Monday, November 29, 2010

Review: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer

Rating: 3

I am a great fan of Stephenie Meyer...all of the Twilight books, of course, and also her adult fiction novel, The Host.  So, I couldn't pass up this novella, related to the Twilight series.  If you are a Twilight fan, you will remember that Victoria vowed to kill Bella and raised a newborn army of vampires to do so.  One of those newborns was a girl named Bree Tanner.  The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is told from Bree's perspective as a newborn vampire, hanging with a group of other newborns and answering to an older vampire, Riley. Bree isn't sure she likes Riley and doesn't trust the other newborns because they are so out of control.  Being a newborn, all she can think of is her hunger, but Riley has decreed that they must not feast on anyone but the dregs of society so they can keep out of the public eye until "she" is ready for them. Bree isn't sure who "she" is, but she sounds frightening.  Bree gets to know another new vampire named Diego who is equally distrustful of Riley and together they try to find out what is going on.
Bree Tanner is a quick read and very suspenseful in its own way, considering that we really know what's going to happen. It's not an essential part of the series, but it's entertaining.


  1. hi, following back. I found myself wishing and hoping the book would end differently. But, how strange that she was so dispassionate at the end.
    Fangs, Wands & Fairy Dust

  2. Hi, Found you via follow Friday. Great review. Bree's story was interesting but pales in comparison to the Twilight Saga. New follower.

    Jennifer @Book Noise
